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Eggs Survived

418 61.2%

Rockets Survived

536 78.5%

U.S.S Grimmlen

by Nate, Connor, and Juliette
Feb 2015


The build of the rocket was great and Juliette packed the pay load .We opened the bag with the rocket in side and took it out. I glued the fins Nate cut out the parachute and tied the shock cord together to the parachute. Onto the nose cone is were Nate tied everything together. I glued the fins on the rocket body, Juliette packed the pay load. I raped the parachute with the shock cord and stuffed the parachute in the rocket and toped it off with the nose cone. We Wrote the U.S.S GRIMMLEN in sharpie on the rocket. Mr.Phillips launched our rocket. Are rocket went straight up. In all everyone worked together as a team.



During the launch the sky was clear and there was a little wind. It was the perfect day for the launch. The wind was going east. So that meant all the rockets went to the left. 


I packed the egg with the payload tube. To make the egg safe when it lands on the ground you must stuff a lot of soft things on both sides.