Next Launch

Total Launches

683 +%

Eggs Survived

418 61.2%

Rockets Survived

536 78.5%
Rocketry at Hopi Elementary School

A special thanks to all the Principals at Hopi who have supported the 5th grade rocket program: Ms Marshall, Mr. Davis, Ms. Colling, Mrs. Jagodzinski, and Ms. Plenkovich, as well as Dr. Jagodzinski and Dr. Danskey, the Principals at Arcadia High School, where we have been launching our rockets since 2019.

The fifth grade rocket program would not have been possible without the tremendous and enthusiastic support from the fifth grade teachers who sponsored the program in their classroom: Mrs. Hand, Ms. Cochran, Ms. Avaras, and Mrs. Mitchell. A special thanks to all the Hopi fifth grade teachers, past and present, who made time in their busy school schedules so each fifth grade class could take part in Hopi Rockets.

This project would also not exist each year without the generous financial support from the Hopi PTA.

Rocketry at Ingleside Middle School

This project would not have been possible without the help and support of many people. In particular, I would like to thank the following people who contributed their time and expertise to this project.

  • Mrs. Conley, an extraordinary 6th grade science teacher at Ingleside Middle School, who supported and contributed much of her time to this project.
  • Danny Horner at Orbital Sciences, who designed and built the custom sensor board for our experiments
  • Lauren Egan, Program Manager of the ASU Student Satellite Program, for her support and guidance with this project
  • Ron McLaren at Estes Rockets who ran several computer simulations of the modification to the Loadstar rocket to insure it would be stable and safe to fly.
  • Christine at Estes Rockets who provided immeasurable help in locating the parts needed to modify the rocket
  • The weather scientists at NOAA, universities and and weather stations across the country who responded to questions about different techniques for measuring weather data from rockets.