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Eggs Survived

418 61.2%

Rockets Survived

536 78.5%

Space Ballz Rockets

by Mason, Jack, Zack and Ryan
Dec 2014


Building the rockets were really fun. We made a rocket with an egg in it as astronaut. The rocket building was not hard, but they were really cool.On launch day the mission specialist packed the egg very good because you don't want your egg to come down and break.overall, we had a good time building rockets.


  On our rocket went 297 feet high,but sadly the lowest.We had the best landing. Luckily scrambled eggs(astronaut) stayed alive. I had so much fun. Our rocket had the best landing because our parachute came out at the perfect time.Our launch was very successful


On the day of the launch the weather was perfect. There was no wind or clouds. Some of the others rockets went into the neighbors yards or in trees. Our rocket landed perfectly on the hopi campus. Overall, it was a perfect day to launch rockets.